Category: NCR

Estudyante E-Sport KICK-OFF & Cybersecurity ESSENTIALS Seminar

Good day, mga Ka-PSITE-NCR!
Estudyante E-Sport KICK-OFF & Cybersecurity ESSENTIALS Seminar.

Dive into the captivating realm of e-sports designed for students, paired with essential cybersecurity insights! Whether you’re a gamer at heart or eager to fortify your online presence, this Seminar-Workshop is for YOU.

Level up your digital journey with us mga KaPSITE-NCR!

Click the link to register:

PSITE-NCR’s MSW: MASTERING TEAMWORK: Enhancing Collaboration through Effective Communication

Unlock the secrets to unparalleled teamwork at PSITE-NCR’s MSW this September! Explore deep into enhancing collaboration via effective communication on September 27, 01:00-04:00 PM. Gather with us at the LECTURE HALL OF THE RISE TOWER, OUR LADY OF FATIMA UNIVERSITY. Let’s elevate our collaborative spirit! #1PSITENCR #1PSITENCRMSW

Afternoon Session of the PSITE NCR’s Back-to-Back MSW on Integrating Virtualization as an ITE Laboratories Outcome.

Exciting times at the PSITE-NCR’s MSW afternoon session. Members are delving into the integration of virtualization as a key outcome in ITE laboratory classes. Bridging theory and hands-on experience for the tech-savvy students of the region.


PSITE NCR Members are currently engaged in the MSW on Crafting an AI Policy for their Respective HEIs with our resource speaker Ms. Rhea Luz Valbuena.

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PSITE-NCR BACK-TO-BACK MSW: Crafting an AI Policy for HEIs and Integrating Virtualization as an ITE Program Laboratory Outcome

Calling all KaPSITE-NCR!

Mark your calendars for August 29, 2023, 9 AM to 4 PM, at LPU-Manila’s Mini Theater (3rd Floor, Main Building) as PSITE-NCR presents an engaging event you won’t want to miss!

Join us for an insightful Back to Back MSW session where we’ll dive into “Crafting an AI Policy for HEIs” and delve into the world of Virtualization in ITE Program Labs.

Be part of shaping the future of IT Education with AI and Virtualization. See you there!


PSITE-NCR’s JULY MSW: From Data to Dashboards: Data Science & Power BI Analytics

Mga KaPSiTE-NCR join us for an exciting Seminar Workshop for the month of July entitled: From Data to Dashboards: Data Science & Power BI Analytics!

? Date: July 28

? Time: 9 am – 4 pm

? Venue: National University, Mall of Asia

Unlock the power of data science and create dynamic dashboards using Power BI. Limited slots available!

? Registration Fee: PHP 600.00

? Register now by clicking the link:

or by scanning the QR Code from our poster.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills in data analysis and visualization. See you there!


PSITE NCR’S Consultative Assembly for A.Y. 2023-2024

Calling all Ka-PSITE-NCR! Join us for the PSITE-NCR’s Consultative Assembly for A.Y. 2023-2024.  Featuring CHED and TPITE Updates on IT Education, Virtual International Benchmarking with Taylor’s University and UCSI, and the prestigious awarding of our Most Outstanding ITE Students (MOITES)!

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to stay informed, learn from global leaders, and celebrate the remarkable achievements of our ITE students.

Save the date:

Date: June 29, 2023

Time: 01:00 PM – 05:00 PM

Venue: CO PO TY HALL, Adamson University, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, Manila

Let’s come together to shape the future of IT education in the National Capital Region.

See you there! ✨


#1PSITENCR #ConsultativeAssembly #VirtualBenchmarking #OutstandingStudents #ITeducation

PSITE-NCR’s Courtesy Visit with Dr. Julieta Paras, Regional Director of CHED-NCR.

PSITE-NCR is honored to have had a fruitful courtesy visit with the Director of CHED-NCR, Dr. Julieta Paras, and the ITE Supervisor Dr. Renato VIllegas. An inspiring meeting filled with insightful discussions and shared goals to elevate the quality of IT education. Grateful for the opportunity to build bridges and make a positive impact together. #1PSITENCR #PSITENCRxCHEDNCR

Election and Awarding 2023 |”Workforce Development with Salesforce” | f2f MSW on 25 April 2023

This is a three-part event to end the school year 2022-2023. We are going to hear something valuable for our students, elect the next set of officer, and recognize some members who have actively supported and participated PSITE-NCR all year-round. So come one, come all. Register now!

Nomination and Election of New Officers for AY 2023-2024

It is election time again! To select incoming officers whom shall serve and give time in attaining the Vision and Mission of PSITE for the benefit of its members and stakeholders. Below are the election guidelines set by the COMELEC including the link to the online Google Forms for nomination.

Nomination Period: April 15, 2023 (12:00 AM) to April 22, 2023 (05:00 PM)

Candidate Validation Period: April 23, 2023

Election Day: April 25, 2023 (01:00 pm)


PSITE – NCR Nomination and Election 2023 Guidelines

 I.  Outgoing Board Members

  • ROSEMARIE M. CORONEJO*, Far Eastern University, Manila
  • LILIAN J. GUMBAN**, FEU – Institute of Technology, Manila
  • ISRAEL CARINO, Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong
  • AMELITA DELOS REYES, Arellano University, Manila

* 2 consecutive term officer, not eligible to run at this time

** resigned

The rest of the identified outgoing officers are eligible to run in the election if conditions and qualifications are met.

There will be three (3) officer seats open for election for a term of 3 years and one (1) officer seat open for a term of 2 years.

A PSITE-NCR officer shall help organize, support, oversee and conduct, with his/her fellow elected officers, the activities provided for the members.

II.  Nomination Process

The nomination process for the Election of the PSITE-NCR officers for AY 2023-2024 shall be done online using the nomination Google Forms from April 15, 2023 (12:00 AM) to April 22, 2023 (05:00 PM).

Validation of the eligibility of the nominee and the nominating person will be on April 23, 2023.

The announcement of official nominees will be on April 25, 2023.

The Membership committee will facilitate verification and validation of nominees.

 1.    Nominee(s)
  • Should be a PSITE NCR member;
  • no outstanding balance, has paid all his/her dues;
  • has attended at least 2 activities (in the region) of the current school year excluding the attendance in the election day;
  • should be physically present on the election day.
 2.    Nominating Person
  • Should be a PSITE NCR member of good standing who pays all his dues;
  • has attended at least 1 activity (within PSITE NCR) of the current school year excluding the attendance in the election day;
  • should be physically present on election day to qualify nominee as official nominated candidate.


*Nominees and his/her nominating person shall receive an email confirmation of the nomination.


 1.    Qualifications of the Voter
  • Institutional representatives and individual members have the right to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the Society;
  • Each official institutional representative or individual member is entitled to one (1) vote;
  • Voter should be a PSITE member of good standing who pays all his/her dues;
  • The Membership committee will facilitate verification and validation of voters;
  • Only members who are physically present can vote.
 2.    Election Method

Qualified nominees shall be announced and presented during the PSITE NCR MSW on April 25, 2023. The nominees and the nominator are required to be physically present before the election begins.

 3.    Election Details

An electronic casting of votes will be used thru on online election platform. The link and access code will be given to qualified voters on election day.

 4.    Announcement of Winners

The top 3 candidates who will get the highest number of votes shall be declared winners and will serve for 3 years and the top 4 candidate will serve for 2 years.

 5.    Board of Canvassers

The Regional Chapter officers of PSITE-NCR (excluding those running for office) are the board of canvassers.