PSITE NCR will host its 24th Session of the Webinar Series on Saturday, April 30, 2022. This is the last session for Season 02. This Session is free for active members, non-members, and other regions. Active PSITE NCR Membership is required to vote in the election. Only Active PSITE NCR Members may win raffle prizes (if any) and earn e-certificates. For more info and registration, visit No registration, no entry. Registration will close on April 30, 8:00 AM.
In keeping with the tradition of the chapter of recognizing members who have shown exemplary performance in their teaching career, we are inviting nominations to the Search for PSITE-NCR Most Outstanding IT Educator 2022.
PSITE NCR will host PSITE NCR Student Congress 2022 on Saturday, February 26, 2022. Free for active PSITE NCR Members (Educators). Php 50.00 for students of institutional members. Php 100.00 for students of non-institutional members. Registration will close on February 25th at 11:59 PM.
Free for active PSITE NCR Members (Educators).
Php 50.00 for students of institutional members.
Php 100.00 for students of non-institutional members.
PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK YOUR DATA BEFORE REGISTERING!!! The system auto-generates your e-certificate. We do not manually edit an e-certificate for typo errors once emailed. Ensure that your email address is typed in correctly, otherwise you might not receive an e-certificate. Please register with accurate data.
E-Certificates will be emailed to attendees who (1) register before the online event, (2) join the webinar via Zoom, (3) complete the Online Event Feedback Form at the end of the webinar.
PSITE NCR will host two webinars, the Induction of New Officers, and the MOITES Awards on Saturday, May 22, 2021. This Session is free. Only eligible members may vote. Non-members may join. E-certificates are exclusive to members only.
PSITE NCR will host a webinar and an election on Saturday, April 24, 2021. This Session is free. Only eligible members may vote. Non-members may join. E-certificates are exclusive to members only.
It is election time again! To select incoming officers whom shall serve and give time in attaining the Vision and Mission of PSITE for the benefit of its members and stakeholders. Below are the election guidelines set by the COMELEC including the link to the online Google Forms for nomination.
Nomination Period: April 10, 2021 12:00am to April 17, 2021 05:00pm
Candidate Validation Period: April 19, 2021 to April 23, 2021
The nomination process for the Election of the PSITE-NCR officers for AY 21-22 shall be done online (using the nomination Google Forms) from April 10, 2021 12:00am to April 17, 2021 05:00pm.
PSITE – NCR Nomination and Election 2021 Guidelines
I. Outgoing Board Members
RAQUEL BERMUDEZ*, Adamson University
ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Manila
*2 consecutive term officer not eligible to run and also elected to the National board in 2021
The rest of the identified outgoing officers are eligible to run in the election if conditions and qualifications are met.
There will be 3 officer seats open for election for a term of 3 years.
A PSITE-NCR officer shall support, oversee and conduct, with his/her fellow elected officers, the activities provided for the members.
II. Nomination Process
The nomination process for the Election of the PSITE-NCR officers for AY 2021-2022 shall be done online (using the nomination Google Forms) from April 10, 2021 12:00am to April 17, 2021 05:00pm.
Validation of the eligibility of the nominee and the nominating person will be from April 19, 2021 to April 23, 2021.
The announcement of official nominees will be on April 24, 2021.
NOTE: Each member is only allowed to nominate 1 candidate and must be virtually present on election day to make the nomination valid. The Membership committee will facilitate verification and validation of nominees.
1. Nominee(s)
Should be a PSITE NCR member;
no outstanding balance, has paid all his/her dues;
has attended at least 2 activities (in the region) of the current school year excluding the attendance in the election day;
should be virtually present on the election day.
2. Nominating Person
Should be a PSITE NCR member of good standing who pays all his dues;
has attended at least 1 activity (within PSITE NCR) of the current school year excluding the attendance in the election day;
should be virtually present on election day to qualify nominee as official nominated candidate.
1. Qualifications of the Voter
Institutional representatives and individual members have the right to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the Society;
Each official institutional representative or individual member is entitled to one (1) vote;
Voter should be a PSITE member of good standing who pays all his/her dues;
The Membership committee will facilitate verification and validation of voters
Only members who are virtually present can vote.
2. Election Method
Qualified nominees shall be announced through the PSITE-NCR website and shall be presented during the PSITE NCR Webinar Series Session 16 virtually on April 24, 2021. The nominees and the nominator are required to be virtually present before the election begins.
3. Election Details
An electronic casting of votes will be used thru on online election platform. The link and access code will be given individually thru the virtual space chat of the PSITE NCR Webinar Series Session 16 to qualified voters.
4. Announcement of Winners
The top 3 candidates who will get the highest number of votes shall be declared winners and will serve for 3 years.
5. Board of Canvassers
The Regional Chapter officers of PSITE-NCR (excluding those running for office) are the board of canvassers.
The nomination process for the Election of the PSITE-NCR officers for AY 21-22 shall be done online (using the nomination Google Forms) from April 10, 2021 12:00am to April 17, 2021 05:00pm.
PSITE NCR will host a webinar on Saturday, February 06, 2021. This Session is free of charge. Registration is a must. Non-members may join in. For this session only, all attendees will receive an e-certificate.
PSITE NCR Members can avail of both the Early Bird and Group Discount rate of Php 1,200.00 per person if you pay and register through PSITE NCR. We will help you pool the registration as 1PSITE NCR to get the full discounted rate.