Call for Nomination: MOITE 2022


In keeping with the tradition of the chapter of recognizing members who have shown exemplary performance in their teaching career, we are inviting nominations to the Search for PSITE-NCR Most Outstanding IT Educator 2022.


  1. PSITE-NCR member who has rendered services toward achieving excellence in IT Education for more than 5 years, in good standing with at least 3 recorded ATTENDANCE per year from 2019-March, 2022
  2. A member has performed at least very satisfactorily in his/her academic responsibility.
  3. A member utilizes his/her expertise and talents in the field of IT Education for all tri-focal functions of an educational institution: Instructions, Research and Extension responsibilities



  • BS in CS, IT or IS, EMC
  • Master’s Degree in any ITE related course


  • Teaching Experience for the last five (5) years.
  • Load Assignment for the last three (3) years.
  • Quantitative Evaluation for the last three (3) years for each term from the Guidance Office, if available.
  • Instructional Materials for the last five (5) years.

C. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT for the last three (3) years (10%)

  • Expected outcome/impact of extension work in the community and the organization
  • Extension work aligned with the HEI
  • Voluntary work or assistance to the school’s program/activities, IT/academe community and to PSITE NCR

D. RESEARCH INVOLMENT for the last three (3) years. (25%)

E. ACTIVE PSITE Membership for the last five (5) years. (5%)

F. Recognitions / Membership in other professional organizations for the last 5 years. (10%)


  • Signed Privacy Notice / Terms and Conditions
  • Recommendation Letter. Please indicate the designation/position, department, contact details of recommending person.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Nomination Form and Supporting Documents:
    • Photocopy of Certificate of Membership for the last five (5) years
    • Photocopy/Certification of Bachelors / Masters and Doctoral Studies.
    • Certificate of Employment indicating the status (Full-Time / Part-Time) and period of employment for the last five (5) years.
    • Certificate of Load assignment or Teaching Load signed by Head/Dean certified by HR (AY 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022).
    • Student Evaluation Summary of Ratings for the last 3 academic years (AY 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022).
    • Copy of Manuals/Textbooks or Certification from publishers published 2017-2021.
    • Certification of Involvement in Community Extension stating the level of participation (as participant/project leader/contributor/etc.) signed by community extension coordinator/director for AY 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022.
    • Certification of Research involvement duly signed by the research coordinator/director that includes the title, authors, source of funding, conference, journal published for AY 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022.
  • Copy of Certificate / Proof of Recognitions
  • Certificates of Membership to professional / quality assurance organizations for the past 5 years.

Send your documents to:

Deadline for submission: 03:00 pm, APRIL 23, 2022


What PSITE-NCR Will Use the Data Provided For?

The information you provide on the upon submission of all requirements will be used by PSITE-NCR for the purposes of administering the Awards and those further purposes set out below.  Your information and the information you provide about the person(s) you are nominating (including contact details) will not be used for any purpose other than the purposes
set out in this privacy notice.

  • For the purposes of administering the Awards programme including contacting nominators and nominees
  • For the purposes of shortlisting nominees for the selection panel
  • For the purposes of promoting and publicizing the Awards online and offline if applicable.
  • For the purposes of awarding winners at the Awards ceremony

By submitting all the requirements, you consent to PSITE-NCR using your provided information to process your nomination(s).  By giving nominee(s) information, you also confirm you have obtained the permission of the nominee.

PSITE-NCR may contact you and/or your nominee(s) to verify the nomination information provided.  This should not be interpreted as anything other than a verification exercise for the Award process.  If we do not collect some or all of this information, we may not be able to consider your nominee(s) for the Awards.  If your nominee(s) does not provide PSITE-NCR with confirmation that they have consented to your nomination, we will not be able to consider your nominee(s) for the Awards

If the person you nominate is shortlisted for the Awards, PSITE-NCR may use the details you have provided to contact you.  We may need to collect further information from you about you and/or your nominees.  If we do not collect some or all of this information, we may not be able to consider your nominee(s) for the Awards.

The winners’ name and photograph(s) may also be published in the Awards programme, PSITE-NCR’s website, and/or social media platforms. This is not an exclusive list as other forms of publicity may also be used by PSITE-NCR to promote the Awards and to promote any future recognition held or promoted by PSITE-NCR.

For the purpose of collecting and processing your nomination for the Most Outstanding IT Educator 2018 and obtaining references from third parties the personal data on the nomination form you submit will be retained on the application system in accordance with the PSITE-NCR’s records data retention of one year after the awarding ceremony. Under Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in that information. If you want more information about this, please contact your PSITE-NCR officer.