Announcement: Postponement of the 7th Research Symposium


The PSITE-NCR’s 7th Research Symposium previously scheduled on Sept. 29, 2022, is temporarily postponed and will be merged with Student Congress in January 2023.

Changes on the mechanics are as follows:

  • No more live research presentation but only the Video Posters will be played via various Breakout session and no more Q&A
  • Focused of the Research symposium is in the Proceeding Publication
  • Submission of only 1 research per program is allowed per institutional member

Revised Calendar for Publication:

October 31, 2022: Last day for call for papers submission 

November 15, 2022: Release of Review comments to authors 

November 30, 2022: Last day of Submission of Photo Ready revised paper for publication 

December 15, 2022: Release of Journal Publication

January 2023: Awarding of best paper during the PSITE NCR Student Congress