You are kindly invited to attend and/or contribute to the 2022 International Conference on IT Education (ICITE 2022). Co-organized by PSITE Region 11, ICITE 2022 is transitioning into a hybrid format with the conference serving both an in-person and virtual audience. ICITE 2022 will be held on November 17-19, 2022 in Davao City and will be hosted by Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao, our partner school and sponsor for this year’s event.
With the theme “Promoting Science, Innovation, and Technology Education through Research”, this year’s 3rd International Conference on IT Education (ICITE 2022) shall provide a forum for the students and faculty researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the practice of computing, advanced technologies, and innovative research, and present their latest research results.
All papers registered and presented at the ICITE 2022 conference will be published online with an ISSN number. Authors of selected accepted papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts for a SCOPUS indexed journal at a discounted publication rate.
For more details, please visit the conference website:
Submission Link:
Registration Link:
Important Dates:
Manuscript Submission Deadline: August 15, 2022
Acceptance/Rejection Notification: September 15, 2022
Camera-ready of accepted papers: October 15, 2022
Conference Date: November 17-19, 2022
Please contact for any further information.